
Renung- Renungkanlah..

Aqiqah adalah meerupakan Sunnat Muakkad, iaitu ibadat yang sangat-sangat dituntut kepada wali yang menjaga bayi tersebut.

Dalil Aqiqah
Dalil sunatnya ialah perbuatan Rasullah s.a.w melakukan aqiqah, begitu juga para sahabat r.a. Dari Salman bin Amir Ad-Dhobbi r.a katanya, aku mendengar Rasullah s.a.w bersabda,“Bersama bayi itu ialah aqiqahnya, maka tumpahkanlah darah untuknya dan tanggalkan daripadanya perkara yang menyakitkan iaitu kekotoran dan najis”. (5154).

Waktu Aqiqah
Bermula waktu diharuskan menyembelih aqiqah dengan keluarnya semua tubuh bayi dari dalam rahim ibunya. Kalau ia disembelih sebelum sempurna keluarnya bayi maka ia tidak dapat dianggap aqiqah, ia dianggap daging biasa dan tidak mendapat sunat aqiqah.

Waktu sunatnya berterusan sehingga balighnya bayi itu. Setelah baligh, bapanya tidak lagi dituntut untuk melakukannya dan lebih baik dia melakukan untuk dirinya sendiri sebagai memenuhi perkara yang telah tertinggal.

Namun sunat yang dituntut ialah melakukan aqiqah pada hari ketujuh daripada kelahiran bayi. Dalilnya hadis riwayat Abu Daud dan selainya daripada Samrah r.a katanya, Rasullah s.a.w bersabda, “Bayi itu di tebus (tergantung) oleh aqiqahnya, disembelihkan ia pada hari ketujuh, dan pada hari itu diberikan nama serta dicukur rambutnya”.

Maksud ditebus oleh aqiqahnya ialah pembesarannya dalam keadaan baik dan penjagaannya akan sempurna bergantung pada sembelihan untuknya. Dinyatakan juga ia bermakna dia tidak boleh memberi syafa’at kepada kedua ibubapanya jika tidak disembelihkan aqiqah untuknya.

Hikmah Aqiqah
Melambangkan kegembiraan dengan nikmat Alah s.w.t yang menyenangkan kelahiran dan mengurniakan anak kepada kedua ibubapa. Anak itu amat disukai oleh pasangan ibubapa, maka sepatutnya dibuktikan kesyukuran kepada pengurniaan dan pemberian nikmat.

Firman Allah,
“Dan jika kamu bersyukur, nescaya ia meredhai bagimu kesyukuran itu.”
(As-Zumar: 7)

“Demi sesungguhnya jika kamu bersyukur nascaya Aku akan tambah untuk kamu.” (Ibrahim: 7)

“Harta benda dan anak pinak itu, ialah perhiasan hidup di dunia.”
(Al-Kahfi: 46)

Memudahkan pengisytiharan berita melahirkan anak dan menyebarkannya kerana berita ini perlu diistihar dan disebarkan agar jangan lahir cerita yang tidak diingini, aqiqah adalah jalan terbaik untuk itu.

Menyuburkan sifat pemurah dan baik hati dikalangan manusia dan melanggar hasutan nafsu yang mengajak kepada sifat bakhil.

Firman Allah,
“Sedang sifat bakhil itu memang tabiat semulajadi yang ada pada manusia.” (An-Nisa: 128)

“Dan sesiapa yang menjaga dirinya dari kebakhilan, maka mereka itulah orang-orang yang berjaya.”
(Al-Hasyr: 9)

Merapatkan hati keluarga, kerabat, kawan dan orang miskin dengan menghimpunkan mereka untuk makan. Dengan berhimpunnya mereka di atas satu hidangan wujudlah kemesraan, kasih sayang dan persaudaraan. Islam adalah agama mesra, kasih sayang dan persaudaran.

Latar Belakang

Terletak di Jaya Gading Kuantan,Banafex Agrofarm menumpukan kepada penternakan Kambing Fidlot secara integrasi dan komersil.Syarikat kami juga menyediakan perkhidmatan seperti membekalkan kambing bagi tujuan korban/akikah,katering & BBQ.Di samping itu, kami juga menyediakan penternakan secara kontrak (Contract Farming)kepada individu yang berminat.Jualan baka kambing seperti boer,feral,sanen,Kaplo.Program akikah juga disediakan dengan pakej-pakej yang menarik. Pengeluaran baja kompos organik ,Kami juga menjual susu kambing segar yang telah dipastri dan dijamin bersih lagi halal.Khidmat nasihat bagi pengurusan kandang, kacukan baka bagi penternak baru.Kami juga bergiat cergas dalam mengimport dan membekal baka-baka untuk pasaran tempatan.

Bagi meluaskan skop perkhidmatan, kami juga menyediakan pakej 'Total IT Solution' meliputi khidmat nasihat dalam Informasi teknologi,pembelian software/hardware, penyewaan komputer/laptop/LCD. Kami juga merupakan pakar dalam pembikinan perisian( System Developing), networking, Servers,Web hosting dan menyediakan tenaga pengajar bagi mereka yang ingin mendalami tentang Teknologi maklumat. Dengan menawarkan harga yang amat berpatutan, anak-anak anda sudah boleh celik IT yang setaraf dengan pengambilan sijil di kolej2 swasta. Hubungi kami untuk penerangan lebih lanjut.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Probacteria Enviroment+Plus

Alhamdulillah, akhirnya aku berjaya jugak mengeluarkan baja kompos organik sendri (bawah label Banafex Agrofarm). So tugas aku skang adalah pemasaran...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Why Goats


Goat grazing is a cost effective, ecologically sound way to clear land and promote growth of native grasses and beneficial plants, particularly for large acreages and difficult terrain. It has been proven to efficiently handle areas that are inaccessible or difficult to manage with mowers, areas where burns are inadvisable, and sensitive areas where the application of herbicides is not appropriate.
Our goats restore plant species that better clean the air, reduce water pollution, prevent the spread of fires, eliminate mower emissions, and fertilize while they graze!

Star Thistle

Yellow star thistle is named for its bright thistle-like flowers, which have sharp spines surrounding their base. It is a long-lived annual and is found at elevations of 7000 feet or less. It grows anywhere from 6 inches to 5 feet tall. Most of the plant's seeds germinate within a year of disbursement, yet some can stay viable for up to 3 years.
Goat grazing is a highly effective way of reducing star thistle and star thistle seed production. Goats will eat the plants in all stages, including after the spines form. Quite surprisingly, goats like thistle - it is one of the first plants they will eat when present. Intensive grazing managed over time by goats provides positive and successful results in the eradication of star thistle.
Aggressive noxious weeds like thistle bring problems as they displace beneficial plants, and reduce habitat and recreational value. Goat grazing is also an effective method for control of other weed species such as Spurge, Nettles, Purple Star thistle, Artichoke thistle, Poison Ivy and Poison Oak. Whereas human contact with Poison Oak or Poison Ivy can cause an allergic reaction in humans, goats relish them and are highly effective at eradicating this weed.
Other plants goats like to eat include: Vetch, Yellow and Purple Star Thistle, Bull Thistle, French Broom, Mustard, Himalayan Blackberry, Coyote Bush, Ivy, Pine and Oak Saplings, Poison Oak, Eucalyptus Saplings, Poison Hemlock, Sage, Ivy, and most grasses.

Riparian Restoration

A riparian area is one that is located on the bank of a natural waterway, such as a river or lake. By carefully managing grazing in riparian areas, healthy plants will build strong stream banks. Permanent vegetative cover provides the most effective way to reduce soil erosion. Raindrops, for example, lose some of their force when they land on plants. They run off the vegetation down to the ground rather than pounding the soil at their full velocity. More water soaks into the ground instead of running off, which helps to eliminate soil erosion.
Root systems of beneficial plants hold soil in place and filter contaminants. These root systems allow water to flow more clearly as impurities are filtered out before reaching ground water. Grazing management also minimizes vegetation growth and blockage of natural waterways. Grazing with goats encourages a healthy watershed and reduces pollution in our lakes, rivers and streams - and we all benefit from clean water!
Mountain, valley, desert or coast, we must preserve the wonder that is California!

Fuel Reduction

Goats eat "hot fuel," the spindly plants that grow under trees and allow fire to spread quickly. Unlike other animals, goats are naturally adapted to eating weeds, brush, thistles and invasive plants. They have evolved their own razing mechanisms for digesting and processing even the most noxious of weeds. Fuel load reduction with goats is accomplished by the use of a temporary electric fence. This standard farm fencing enables us to control the goats' grazing pattern.

Go Green. Go Goats

Google’s Eco-friendly Weed Whackers: Goats!

No…Peoplepoweredmachines is not going into the goat business. But a customer sent us this info and it made our day. And we would rather you rent goats than use a gas powered mower any day.
Picture 33
They cost the same as a lawnmower and they’ll even throw in their special blend of self-produced fertilizer. Google has found a “low-carbon” way to keep the expansive lawns of its Googleplex trim ::
From Google’s Blog ::
“At our Mountain View headquarters, we have some fields that we need to mow occasionally to clear weeds and brush to reduce fire hazard. This spring we decided to take a low-carbon approach: Instead of using noisy mowers that run on gasoline and pollute the air, we’ve rented some goats from California Grazing to do the job for us (we’re not “kidding”). A herder brings about 200 goats and they spend roughly a week with us at Google, eating the grass and fertilizing at the same time. The goats are herded with the help of Jen, a border collie. It costs us about the same as mowing, and goats are a lot cuter to watch than lawn mowers.
google's goats!
google's goats!
Wonder why goats :: (from california grazing)
Goat grazing is a cost effective, ecologically sound way to clear land and promote growth of native grasses and beneficial plants, particularly for large acreages and difficult terrain. It has been proven to efficiently handle areas that are inaccessible or difficult to manage with mowers, areas where burns are inadvisable, and sensitive areas where the application of herbicides is not appropriate.
Our goats restore plant species that better clean the air, reduce water pollution, prevent the spread of fires, eliminate mower emissions, and fertilize while they graze!
California Grazing provides a grazing management system that not only cuts back on the weeds, but also helps native grasses to survive. The company calls their 800 goats “self propelled weed eaters.” 

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Baja kompos Organik- Probac Enviro+

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